ON MY SOAPBOX…Welcome to class today



Where did the phrase “to be frank” originate?

In the 6th century, a Germanic tribe called the Franko, nowadays referred to as the Franks, conquered Gaul and made it their home. That’s why the country is now called ‘France’. Their custom was to treat everyone in their kingdom who was a Frank, as free. Everyone else was unfree, and hampered by legal restrictions. (This is opposite of the way we treat the Illegal Immigrant Invaders of our southern border.) As a result, in Old French the word franc, and in Medieval Latin the word francus both meant ‘free’ in this sense. In Middle English the word was frank, with the same meaning.  By the 1480s the meaning had broadened: it could mean “liberal, bounteous, generous, lavish”. By the 1550s it had broadened again: it could mean “not practicing concealment; unreserved; outspoken”. That’s more or less the meaning we have now: outspoken; telling the truth even if discretion suggests that the truth should be concealed. The phrase “to be frank” has been in use since the 1870s. The phrase “If I may speak freely…” means very much the same as “To be frank…”

In America, our English language has been raped in the same way. Do you remember when WOKE was the past participle of WAKE, as in “to wake up, to exit the state of sleep?” You remember those wonderful days, right? Well, forget that my friends.

Woke is no longer a past participle. (It cannot even be a dangling participle). I only added that sentence in parenthesis because I like that phrase, “Dangling Participle.” It seems like what Tarzan would have used as he swung across the jungle while bellowing his mighty yell and beating his chest. At which time,  Cheeta would be forced to call his fellow monkeys into a Monkey Huddle and reprimand them. “I told you stupid primates to tear away all those damn Dangling Particles and build a wall. Now Monkey Man is up there swinging and yelling like a fool. He cannot keep up with Monkey Woman, she has been missing for weeks. Boy is out licking Cane Toads for their hallucinogens and painting weird pictures all over the trees. When the unhappy natives from foreign tribes hear Monkey Man as he bellows his yell through the jungle, they will stampede in, take our tree houses  and eat all our food.”

Back to the subject of WOKE. I had a little tantrum there…and I enjoyed it.  In our new America, simply put: IF YOU ARE WOKE, YOU HATE WHITE FOLK.

Due to the BLM movement, The Oxford English Dictionary officially added this definition for WOKE. Woke now means: Being alert to racial or social discrimination. This meaning comes from African-American Vernacular English, (AAVE). Sounds impressive, huh? I cannot quit laughing at this new and improved verbiage to express the word, Ebonics. Surely you remember Ebonics. California was contemplating making Ebonics the official language of the state, I am not kidding. Evidently, the Illegal Immigrants had a problem with changing the current first language of Spanish to Ebonics. I guess phrases like…Whose yo Daddy?  and Where your crib be? messed with the proper use of their Spanish Dangling Participles.

I know one more thing for certain:

“If I may be frank with you…I wish these WOKE people would go back to sleep and take their CRT, BLM, AAVE, HOR, SEN, WH, etc with them.

And another thing….



One thought on “ON MY SOAPBOX…Welcome to class today

  1. I always thought ” The Dangling Participles” would have made a great name for a rock band, or perhaps a group of accordion-playing English teachers. ” Let’s be Frank,” well it depends on who Frank was and what he did to make us want to emulate him; everybody named Frank can’t be cool all the time. I did know a kid in grade school named Frank, but he was a German boy, new to the states, and Texas, and his folks pronounced his name “Frauunk,” or something similar. Turned out, his dad was hauled off one day because he had been a Nazi guard at a concentration camp during the war, as was his mother. He wound up being adopted by a Jewish family in our neighborhood. I kid you not! Sorry about getting off-track, history happens.

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