Retirement? Oh Yeah…..


She would be remembered…..
If only she could or would

-Sheila Tolley-


MEME Of The Day


Conservative Only MEMES

Our Peculiar English Language-Part 3


Favorite Movie Quotes

“Why don’t you come up sometime and see me?” She Done Him Wrong, 1933

“I’m walking here! I’m walking here!” Midnight Cowboy, 1969 Dustin Hoffman

Fun fact: This scene was improvised. Midnight Cowboy filmed in New York City so the taxi in the shot is an actual New York taxi. Remaining in character Hoffman yells at the driver and the scene made the cut in the film.

“Play it, Sam. Play ‘As Time Goes By.’” Casablanca, 1942

“You can’t handle the truth!” A Few Good Men, 1992

“I want to be alone.” Grand Hotel, 1932