MEME Of The Day

The term “Establishment Republicans” has typically been used to describe centrist or left-leaning “me-too” Republicans who show an eagerness to reach across the aisle and work with progressives.  Such Republicans (also known as “RINOs” or “country-club Republicans”) have been severely criticized by conservative Republicans for decades.

Yet, people keep electing these disloyal, fickle, establishment republican RINOs!

 What is WRONG with these people? Are they  too ignorant to realize that when they do not PUBLICLY defend Donald Trump as he is fighting a WAR for our freedom, they are supporting the Criminal Left Regime who are working diligently to destroy America?

Does the Cat Have their tongues?

Speak up for Donald Trump YOU FOOLS!  This is not a silent movie you are watching.
It is an ACTIVE WAR for our American Freedom.

-Sheila Tolley-

Conservative Only MEMES

