Conservative Only MEMES


A Very Sweet Video


Let’s Dance

Who are these people?

The guy with the red cup, getting the foot massage, is the same guy in the 1st picture, he is Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart. You can google his name to verify this and see more pics of him. But, in case you didn’t know, he is the Judge that signed the FBI warrant to search Trump’s house in Mar-a-Lago.

The woman is Ghislaine Maxwell, presently in prison.
It should all be getting clearer now.
Now, we know why Epstein and Maxwell’s customer list was never made public! These criminals are throughout our government and they are using the FBI to ensure the client list never sees the light of day!

AMEN, Brother….Preach On


I have always heard that Elizabeth Taylor had beautiful Violet eyes. I’ve often wondered if this was true since she lived in the era before colored contact lens.

You be the judge. Are these eyes Violet or Blue? I find myself in a conundrum on this issue. If roses are red and violets are blue, then perhaps Liz’s historically reported beautiful Violet eyes are actually blue.

Either way, like Elizabeth Taylor, they are Beautiful.

I leave you with two #1 EYE songs to enjoy.
-Sheila Tolley-




Daily Horoscope

Bible Verse

 But for us there is only one God, who is the Father. All things come from him. We live to serve him. For us, there is only one Lord, who is Jesus Christ. All things are there because of him. And we ourselves live because of him.