Enjoy The Number 1 Hit For December, 1985

Tolley’s Topics Salutes…

Patriot Post MEMES

Today’s Photos With Stories…Part 1


This cute ceremony is called ‘Kukur Tihar’ in Nepal. It’s the day dedicated to dogs for their loyalty.


“This is the only existing photo of Chernobyl taken on the morning of the nuclear accident. The heavy grain is due to the huge amount of radiation in the air that began to destroy the camera film the second it was exposed.”


A macro photo of an ant raising a piece of wood.


An accidental photo of a falling meteor.


And last, but definitely not least: these three Jewish men arrived in Auschwitz on the same day and were tattooed 10 numbers apart. 73 years later, they were reunited for the first time.




Poor Joe, put him under 2 impeachments, 8 years of being lied about, and 4 trials in the same year.  In the accompanying photo his eyes look even more rat-like.



MTG tells Jasmine Crockett that she can’t read clearly because of her fake eyelashes,  then AOC joins in.  I feel another Texas Death Wrestling Match coming on.



Stop funding colleges with Federal Tax dollars.  Let states pay their own way, and someone else do research.


University California Irvine received over 653 million last year for research from the feds ( American taxpayer ).



Here is Joe’s economy.



Good for Alabama, credit card companies and banks are Democratic toads.



Anyone who believes the Democrats in power is a FOOL.


We have already read of the military ( PENTAGON ) turning traitor on Trump.


California has a secrete gas price hike.


Mikey steps up after 2 years.


Is giving seat-belt status a privacy issue or maybe an ongoing crime issue ?   Previously, they reported whether or not dead people were wearing set-belts.


Stop Harvard’s 1 billion Federal Tax support money.


Tinkerbell is pretty and has breasts.    She had to be banished.



Senator Kennedy.


What is going on with the bridges in America ?



The What’s Up Editor:   What is newsworthy today, LL ?

The Sixties Cat:   Here is something that might be entertaining.  First are videos of the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.   There were real causes to solve back then.   The Democrats are still ruling Chicago.


Maybe the convention in August will be different.




Liquor stores are granted monopolies by government and liquor distributors, but that isn’t enough–they want more.   Non-alcoholic drinks aren’t booze.


Chicago’s Democrat Mayor should give away cold beer.



Baby Rosalyn is lucky she isn’t a Biden Baby.




Defendant Trump is calling Letitia James–Clarice.



Astronomy Picture of the Day

North Celestial Aurora
Image Credit & Copyright: Chirag Upreti

Explanation: Graceful star trail arcs reflect planet Earth’s daily rotation in this colorful night skyscape. To create the timelapse composite, on May 12 consecutive exposures were recorded with a camera fixed to a tripod on the shores of the Ashokan Reservoir, in the Catskills region of New York, USA. North star Polaris is near the center of the star trail arcs. The broad trail of a waxing crescent Moon is on the left, casting a strong reflection across the reservoir waters. With intense solar activity driving recent geomagnetic storms, the colorful aurora borealis or northern lights, rare to the region, shine under Polaris and the north celestial pole.

Tomorrow’s picture: pixels in space

Bible Verse

God will take away all the tears from their eyes. Nobody will ever die again. Nobody will be sad again. Nobody will ever cry. Nobody will have pain again. Everything that made people sad has now gone. That old world has completely gone away.