My, Oh, My…..

My, Oh, My….what a difference a debate makes!

Conservative Only MEMES

Trust Me, You want to read/hear this one


“How beautiful is this? It gives me chill bumps. My American Pride returned for this five minutes and it sure felt Superb, American and Trumplican.”
-Sheila Tolley-

Frank Sinatra considered Kate Smith the best singer of her time, and said that when he and a million other guys first heard her sing “God Bless America” on the radio, they all pretended to have dust in their eyes as they wiped away a tear or two.

Here are the facts: The video showing below brings you the very first public singing of “God Bless America.” But before you watch it you should know the story behind the first public showing of the song.

The time was 1940. America was still in a terrible economic depression. Hitler was taking over Europe and Americans were afraid we’d have to go to war. It was a time of hardship and worry for most Americans.

This was the era just before TV when radio shows were HUGE and American families sat around their radios in the evenings, listening to their favorite entertainers and no entertainer of that era was bigger than Kate Smith.

Kate was also large; plus size as we now say and the popular phrase still used today is in deference to her; “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.”

Kate Smith might not have made it big in the age of TV but with her voice coming over the radio, she was the biggest star of her time.

Kate was also patriotic. It hurt her to see Americans so depressed and afraid of what the next day would bring. She had hope for America, and faith in her fellow Americans. She wanted to do something to cheer them up, so she went to the famous American songwriter Irving Berlin (who also wrote White Christmas) and asked him to write a song that would make Americans feel good again about their country. When she described what she was looking for, he said he had just the song for her. He went to his files and found a song that he had written but never published, 22 years before – in 1917.

He gave it to her and she worked on it with her studio orchestra. She and Irving Berlin were not sure how the song would be received by the public, but both agreed they would not take any profits from God Bless America. Any profits would go to the Boy Scouts of America . Over the years, the Boy Scouts have received millions of dollars in royalties from this song.

This video starts out with Kate Smith coming into the radio studio with the orchestra and an audience. She introduces the new song for the very first time and starts singing. After the first couple verses, with her voice in the background, scenes are shown from the 1940 movie, You’re In The Army Now. At the 4:20 mark of the video you see a young actor in the movie, sitting in an office, reading a paper; it’s Ronald Reagan.

To this day, God Bless America stirs our patriotic feelings and pride in our country. Back in 1940, when Kate Smith went looking for a song to raise the spirits of her fellow Americans, I doubt whether she realized just how successful the results would be for her fellow Americans during those years of hardship and worry.. and for many generations of Americans to follow.

Many people don’t know there’s a lead in to the song since it usually starts with God Bless America … So here’s the entire song as originally sung. The lead in should still be part of the song. It’s key.



I will never hear or see this word again without thinking of this joke.
-Sheila Tolley-

Image result for fluctuations
Today’s Word is….FLUCTUATIONS.


I was at my bank today; there was a short line.

There was just one lady in front of me, an Asian lady
who was trying to exchange yen for dollars.

It was obvious she was very irritated.

She asked the teller, “Why it change? Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla fo yen.
Today I only get hunat eighty? Why it change?”

The teller shrugged his shoulders and said,


The Asian lady says, “Fluc you white people too!”


Just a penny….

You always hear the usual stories of pennies on the sidewalk being good luck, gifts from angels, etc. This is the first time I’ve ever heard this twist on the story. Gives you something to think about.

Several years ago, a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband’s employer’s home. My friend, Arlene, was nervous about the weekend. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway, and cars costing more than her house.

The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. The husband’s employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely.

As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband.

He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment.

Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, and a few cigarette butts. Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny.

He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up?

Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her. Finally, she could stand it no longer. She casually mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection, and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value.

A smile crept across the man’s face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see. She had seen many pennies before! What was the point of this?

“Look at it.” He said. “Read what it says.”

She read the words “United States of America.”

“No, not that; read further.”

“One cent?”

“No, keep reading.”

“In God we Trust?”



“And if I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin. Whenever I find a coin, I see that inscription. It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it! God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him? Who am I to pass it by? When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him. For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God’s way of starting a conversation with me. Lucky for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful!”

When I was out shopping yesterday I found a penny on the sidewalk. I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change. I read the words, “In God We Trust,” and had to laugh. Yes, God, I get the message.

It seems that I have been finding an inordinate number of pennies in the last few months, but then, pennies are plentiful! And, God is patient…




Government agencies can’t make up laws over what they regulate.

This limits the prosecution of J-6 protestors, including Trump.

The homeless have no Constitutional right to camp on public property.


America needs AM RADIO.

Or pull over roadside.


Maybe this is why Joe’s dogs bite.



Every day more facts are revealed to show that the 2020 Presidential vote was stolen by the CIA, FBI, and MSM.   FJB and them.    Release the video of Joe, when the DOJ said he was too old and demented to prosecute.

Janet Yellen says she shops for groceries every week.   She says inflation is transitory, like she said 3 years ago.

Louis XVI and his queen Marie Antoinette of France both had their heads cut off in the French Revolution of 1789.  They were beheaded in 1793.   It is unclear who originated this quote but it is great.   Someone said the people were starving and didn’t even have bread to eat.  The reply was–let them eat cake.

Caitlin is making fans for the WNBA.

Joe Pfizer is the one.

Good luck.*3ve1oe*_ga*NjUyMzQ3MDA5LjE3MTA2OTM3NTk.*_ga_0DZ7LHF5PZ*MTcxOTQyNDk3MC4zOTIuMS4xNzE5NDI1MDI0LjAuMC4w&_ga=2.220225118.757054849.1717798090-652347009.1710693759

Play Hillary tapes.

Ask Joe and the Democrats why America is a third-world-country.

Can you view it without getting killed ?

Trump calls grieving mother.


The Ancient Editor:   Are you familiar with monoliths, LL ?

The Curious Cat:   I certainly am.   They were a dime a dozen in ancient times, when cats were treated as royalty in Egypt.   They foretold great changes.   Here is a scene from the movie ” 2001: A Space Odyssey. ”

In the movie a bunch of Democrats are picking fleas off each other and hoping Lizard Monkey isn’t grilling hamburgers again when a monolith appears.

Here is a monolith that appeared near Las Vegas.

It all began about 4 years ago, maybe they foretold Biden’s election.

Those were the days.


Here is a sample of traveling back in time to April.


Will Donna Brazile give more answers to the Democrat ???

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Earthrise: A Video Reconstruction
Video Credit: NASA, SVS, Apollo 8 Crew;
Lead Animator: Ernie Wright; (USRA); Music: C Major Prelude by Johann Sebastian Bach

Explanation: About 12 seconds into this video, something unusual happens. The Earth begins to rise. Never seen by humans before, the rise of the Earth over the limb of the Moon occurred about 55.5 years ago and surprised and amazed the crew of Apollo 8. The crew immediately scrambled to take still images of the stunning vista caused by Apollo 8‘s orbit around the Moon. The featured video is a modern reconstruction of the event as it would have looked were it recorded with a modern movie camera. The colorful orb of our Earth stood out as a familiar icon rising above a distant and unfamiliar moonscape, the whole scene the conceptual reverse of a more familiar moonrise as seen from Earth. To many, the scene also spoke about the unity of humanity: that big blue marble — that’s us — we all live there. The two-minute video is not time-lapse — this is the real speed of the Earth rising through the windows of Apollo 8. Seven months and three missions later, Apollo 11 astronauts would not only circle Earth’s moon, but land on it.

Tomorrow’s picture: time spiral

Bible Verse

A fool does not try to understand what is right.
He only likes to tell people his own ideas.