Vietnam Memorial Wall

Did you know anyone who lost their life in Vietnam?  This is really sobering. First click on a state. When it opens, scroll down to the city where you went to high school and look at the names. Click on the name and it will give details of the person’s death, a picture or at least their bio and medals.

This really is an amazing website. Someone spent a lot of time and effort to create it.

I hope everyone who receives this appreciates those who served and sacrificed in Vietnam for our country.

Pass the link on to others, as many knew wonderful people whose names are listed.


Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall – The Virtual Wall (TM)

3 thoughts on “Vietnam Memorial Wall

    • I thank you for your support, Sharon. So many young lives traded for their engraved name…so very sad.

  1. Two friends from high school didn’t return. The year was 1969. I visited the memorial twice back when it was first installed. Nothing compares to the overwhelming feeling of loss when standing and reading those names. It was a sobering induction into the reality of war.

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