Dearest Patriots, 

 I listened to my favorite Christian New program out of Vero Beach, Florida this morning.  I was most disturbed at what Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart on TRUNEWS had to say.  A New York Judge is considering the confiscation of all  Trump’s assets. That would be Trump Tower, Mar-A-Lago, and his golf course estate in Scotland. I am not sure what else is included. The claim is that Trump committed Fraud by over-stating the value of his properties. This has not gone before a jury.  A Judge is making this decision.  They want Trump to be penniless.  Look, this is what Nazis do. Nazis are known for Confiscating the property of others.  If this is happening to Trump.  We will be next.  That is where they want us. We do have God Given Rights.  But it does not matter to a Nazi. 

If you are a Praying, God Loving person, Please Pray.  Pray that God takes down the evil doers. That all the evil they are scheming to come against and hurt the good people, and Republican Party will only return to where it came from.  Remember in The Old Testament Exodus chapter 8 and 9 when Phairoh would not let the Egyptians go, Moses by the hand of GOD sent many plagues on them. The plagues of Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flys, boils, hail, Locust, darkness, and then the last was the death of the first born of every family and cattle as well. The Plague of the death of the first born would not come to the Egyptians if they followed GODS law. They were to slaughter a 1-year-old lamb take the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the door frames of the houses. As the angel of death passed through those houses, they would not be harmed by the death plague.  It did take Pharoah’s son.   Be sure you are covered by the blood. 

Friends, we have had so many plagues on us in the last 3 years that have caused a lot of hurt and hardships upon us.  I ask you to stand against them now . I ask you to Pray to the Lord to turn them around to the ones that sent them, seven-fold. Are you scratching your head and asking, what plagues? Well I am glad you asked.  Think about it, pipe lines shut down,  high gas prices, man made Covid, forced injections, old people dying alone in care homes, people losing their jobs who refused to take the shots,  Fake News every day, our children being dumbed down and indoctrinated about sex changes, child sex trafficking, etc. TWENTY FIVE HUNDRED people are crossing our Southern border each day, many bringing drugs and diseases with them. There are many more and you know them all. 

All I do is ask you to Pray for God to turn things around on the Evil ones, and bring us back to a prosperous Nation.  I know that Trump did a good job of lifting up the people and our Country while he was in.  We now need to lift him up. Can you do that?  


One thought on “OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS

  1. Mary, You are right we need to ask God to help us remove these people and to restore our country to what it was, a peaceful beautiful land of milk and honey.
    But our Lord has said he will help those who help themselves. If we as good God fearing Americans do nothing then the Lord will do little to help. My grand father used to say what they need is a good dose of salts. I must say the only salts that will work now open revolution against them. If all of the good true Americans who own guns were to stand up to them they would not have enough armies to stop us. Right now there are over 80,000 Chinese young men in our country waiting for the signal from China to start a war with us and it has been sanctioned by our poor excuse of a president.
    Prayer is needed but so is action!!!

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