On the News, a few days ago, I saw a large group of Palestinian Protesters at a University in New York. One Girl looked a lot like the the girl in the following MEME.  Through her large megaphone she was yelling “WE ARE ALL HAMAS”.

She was telling all the hundreds of protesters in that crowd that they are all Hamas.  They all were in the real protest mood, going along with it.  The United States hosts over 1 million international college students in our country’s colleges. New international student enrollment surpassed pre-pandemic levels. The 2022/2023 academic year increased by 14 %.  New enrollment continued to increase across all academic levels. 

Our most wealthy Government has a program called Open Doors. It is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Gov. and supported in its Implementation by IIE,  that would be Institute of International Education.  Well now isn’t that special? We have College Professors that go out to other countries and recruit Foreign Students to come to our U.S. Colleges. They go and get these young American hating terrorists, bring them here, and we, the tax payers, are paying for their education.  When will we ever learn ?  These young terroristic American-hating snots, need to be yanked up and booted out of America. Just why do we pacify and cuddle these types of people?   Just why do they get and deserve the treatment of our tax paid education?  My two Granddaughters both worked hard and held jobs to help pay for their college. I will tell you, they are now giving back to our Society.

 For those of you who may not know, The U.S. brought General Manuel Noriega of Panama and trained him through Military courses in Jungle Operations and Counter Intelligence in 1965 at Fort Benning Ga. Noriega became President Military ruler of Panama from 1983 until he was  ousted from Power by the U.S. forces in Dec. of 1989.  Fort Benning, Ga. was notorious for training and enabling torturers, dictators, and massacres throughout the Western Hemisphere.  My question is why do we do this incredibly stupid stuff?   Just look at our Home Land Security Chief, Alejandro Mayorkas,  What a Joke!  Come to think about it, the whole Administration is a reunion of bring in the Clowns.


We need Trump back fast.

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