ON MY SOAPBOX…Don’t Worry! Get Happy!

Good morning to all the people I love in Tolley’s Topics Readerland.

Are you sick of all the GLOOM & DOOM that surrounds us since Bumbling, Stumbling, Mumbling, Fumbling…Joe Biden was INSTALLED as our president?

Well, Cheer Up! Every time you hear negative news: Press your Mental Rewind Button until you are thinking about the term which was led by Our President, Donald J. Trump.

In fact….Press that button now as a little test.

Remember these Wonderful Historical Moments?

Let’s bring our A TEAM back!

Our President Donald Trump transformed America into such a Positive and Powerful position WORLD-WIDE that….

Even Barack Obama was considering applying for American citizenship!


One thought on “ON MY SOAPBOX…Don’t Worry! Get Happy!

  1. Yes indeed, We had a good thing, And it took some people sniffing a pile of poop for 4 years to realize what we had. Things are happening, and happening very Fast. After Trump went to the Bronx NY a new fad is happening, Several Rap groups have now come out with Rap songs for Trump One is “I stand for Trump”. Another group has “F— Jo Biden”. Now what do you know, today two songs next week 30. This seals the deal for Trump. I do not like Rap music. But hey, If it gets Trump in, I can tolerate it.

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