MIDWAY…Positive Comments from Real People

I received many comments yesterday from friends who have seen the new movie MIDWAY.

All agree that:

“Great movie. The special effects were outstanding.”

 “Such a good movie. It tells the stories about the real men there and also the Japs. Never a dull moment.”


On Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese forces launch a devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. naval base in Hawaii. Six months later, the Battle of Midway commences on June 4, 1942, as the Japanese navy once again plans a strike against American ships in the Pacific. For the next three days, the U.S. Navy and a squad of brave fighter pilots engage the enemy in one of the most important and decisive battles of World War II.


The Link Between The Stars

“The link below opens an incredibly great video. I hope you will pass it on to your contacts. It is one of my favorite Tributes to America. We celebrate many holidays in our wonderful country…but for me: 

Everyday that I Live Free In America, Is Veterans Day.”

-Sheila Tolley-

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https://www.youtube.com/embed/ rKsW6c_CgFY?feature=player_ detailpage


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