Driving In China

“Wow! Maybe they are required to wear a mask that covers their entire face in China, when driving.”
-Sheila Tolley-

Incredible photos…with their story

The winning image in the ‘animals in their environment’ category is this incredible shot of a leopard seal trying to eat a penguin. It was snapped by American photographer Amos Nachoum off Pleneau Island in the Antarctic peninsula. He said: ‘The seal was hiding, waiting to ambush young penguins as they got closer. When a penguin got close enough, the seal moved extremely fast and caught the penguin by its feet dragging it to the open water. I was following parallel to the action. The seal released the penguin twice and the terrified penguin succeeded in escaping, but the seal continued chasing after it, and on the third attempt, drowned the penguin and devoured it.’
Polish photographer Bartlomiej Jurecki captured this image of traditional sheep grazing called ‘Redyk’, which takes place in Mizerna in southern Poland and involves more than 1,500 animals. He said: ‘From the Low Beskid Mountains, shepherds bring back the animals to the city of Nowy Targ, where the owners will take care of them during the winter. The animals will go back to the mountains in spring.’ The image was highly commended by the judges.
This jaw-dropping photo of a group of sperm whales was snapped by Tony Wu while in Sri Lanka. He said: ‘The sperm whales pictured here had just emerged from milling around in a gigantic cluster, with many of the whales defecating to such an extent that the water was opaque with secretions. This scene was part of a large, multi-day aggregation comprising hundreds, perhaps thousands of whales.’ Mr Wu won third place in the animals in their environment category for this image.
The winning image in the ‘beauty of nature’ category shows lightning ripping through a volcanic eruption. It was snapped by Francisco Negroni from Chile. He said: ‘This photograph was taken during a violent night eruption of the Calbuco volcano in the Lagos region, Chile. An incredible dirt storm wraps the fumarole of the erupting volcano.’
The overall winning image of the competition is this emotive shot taken in 2017 by photographer KM Asad in Bangladesh. It shows Asmat Ara, a refugee from Myanmar who looks traumatized after witnessing the violence that had taken place there. The previous night she had entered Tenkhali Rohingya refugee camp with her family from Kumar Khali in Rohingya state. According to the UNHCR, more than 646,000 Rohingya refugees have fled from Myanmar since August 2017, most of them trying to cross the border to reach Bangladesh.
American photographer Mariusz Potocki captured this charming image of chinstrap penguins resting on an iceberg in the Bransfield Strait in Antarctica. He said: ‘When sailing Antarctic waters you will often see different types of icebergs. Some of these floating islands are great resting places for hunting penguins who can travel many kilometers, before jumping back into the icy water.’
Photographer Mohd Nazri Sulaiman won a Remarkable Award in the ‘fascinating faces and characters’ category for this shot showing a young boy cradling a cow in Malaysia.
This dramatic image shows a chameleon whipping out its tongue to capture a dragonfly. It was snapped in Netanya Forest in Israel by photographer Daniel Danilov, who earned an honorable mention in the ‘beauty of nature category’. He said: ‘I was hiding behind a bush in order not to disturb the scene. Its tongue is longer than its body, and its tip is sticky and thick.’
This heartwarming image of a pair of hoopoe birds was snapped by Jacopo Rigotti in Trentino, Italy. He said: ‘Looking, as usual, for the nests of the most beautiful bird species in Trentino, I unexpectedly saw this hoopoe and I immediately grasped the opportunity to photograph it.’ The image bestowed upon Mr Rigotti an ‘honorable mention’ in the animals in their environment category.
A pair of vultures and a jackal on the hunt for their prey inside Kruger National Park in South Africa. The shot, taken by Willem Kruger, won a Remarkable Award in the photo contest.
A pair of leopards keep their kill high up in a tree away from scavengers in Kenya. The shot by Hetal Teeku Petal won a Remarkable Award in the contest.
French photographer Lorraine Turci won third place in the ‘journeys and adventure’ category for this dramatic image of a boat being battered with 40ft waves in the South of Drake Passage between Cape Horn and Antarctica.
Photographer Md Zakirul Mazed Konok gained an honourable mention for this shot showing a frog trying to eat ants in Bangladesh. He said: ‘Unity is the strength, as with teamwork and collaboration with which wonderful things can be achieved. Here this frog wanted to eat the ants, but its own life is at risk in the face of their unity.’
Indian photographer Shivang Mehta won second place in the animals in their environment category for this image showing a tiger cub pouncing on a deer in Ranthambore National Park in India. He said: ‘I captured the moment when the tiger cub was struggling to get the prey down, as his siblings and mother were watching from a distance.’
German photographer Thomas Kalak shot this striking image showing the world’s tallest building,the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. This shot earned Mr Kalak a Remarkable Award in the architecture and urban spaces category.
Photographer Zakaria Abdelkafi snapped this dramatic image of an anti-riot police officer engulfed in flames after being hit by a Molotov cocktail during violence in Paris. Mr Abdelkafi said he had no idea that the riot would end with the police officer being badly burned.
Photographer Giovanni Allievi shot this stunning image of a crashing wave off Varigotti beach in northern Italy. It won a Remarkable Award in the beauty of nature category.
Winning a Remarkable Award in the architecture and urban spaces category for this shot is German photographer Klaus Bittner. He captured the image on the island of Sylt off the northern coast of Germany.
Photographer Timothy Moon shot this image of a mountain in the Snæfellsnes region of Iceland. The stunning picture earned him a honorable mention in the beauty of nature category. He explained: ‘The coarse volcanic mountain has taken human form covered with a cloak of moss and heather in vivid autumn colors.’
Specialist underwater photographer Francis Perez won a Remarkable Award for this image showing a school of barracuda fish.

Good Ones

Well Said……

A Great Parody Song

“It may take this one a few seconds to download, once opened, but it is worth the short wait!…LOL”

-Sheila Tolley-

Nothing surprises us about Nancy Pelosi’s treachery

By: Mike Huckabee


With all the speculation about President Biden’s waning cognitive capacity, it’s easy to lose track of what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, third in line for the presidency, has been working on behind the scenes in recent months, and what she might be capable of engineering in the months ahead.

As far as we can tell, she and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will be the ones in charge of the decision to trigger the 25th Amendment to end Biden’s presidency and install Vice President Kamala Harris. (Harris, you’ll recall, never won a single primary, even in her home state, during her brief run for President.) So let’s take a look at what Dear Speaker was up to back in January, in the weeks leading up to Biden’s inauguration.

The Speaker was very busy the day of January 8. First, she had a phone call with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley. More on that later. Then, she sent a letter to her Democrat colleagues to tell them about the call.

“This morning, I spoke to [Gen. Milley] to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike. The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from this unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy.”

President Trump was “unhinged,” “dangerous,” “unbalanced”? I would say that a Speaker of the House who would quiver with hate as she ripped up the President’s State of the Union Address on national TV might herself be considered unhinged, but never mind. This letter is right in character for her.

And it goes much farther than that. In a section called “Removing the President from Office” (I am not kidding), Pelosi wrote, “As you know, there is growing momentum about the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which would allow the Vice President and the majority of the Cabinet to remove the President for his incitement of insurrection and the danger he still poses. Yesterday, Leader Schumer and I placed a call to Vice President Pence, and we still hope to hear from him as soon as possible with a positive answer as to whether he and the Cabinet will honor their oath to the Constitution and the American people.”

Well, I hope they weren’t holding their breath for VP Pence to get back to them on that! On second thought, it might have been better for the country if they had been. ‘Cause they’d still be holding it.

Did she really bring up the 25th Amendment with Gen. Milley? President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton says, correctly, that if this is true, “it sets a dangerous precedent that could undermine the President’s role as Commander-in-Chief and the separation of powers.” To find out, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom Of Information (FOIA) request with the Defense Department, but (surprise) they failed to respond. So now they’ve filed suit in the U.S. District Court for Washington DC.

They’re demanding “any and all records” having to do with this phone call, including but not limited to “any and all transcripts, recordings and/or summaries of the call, as well as any other records produced in preparation for, during, and/or pursuant to the call.” They also demand “any and all communication between Gen. Milley and House Speaker Pelosi between November 1, 2020, and the present.”

November 1 is an interesting start date for the records they want, considering that was even before the election. I wonder if Judicial Watch has gotten wind of other conversations that might have taken place even before the transition period.

Judical Watch issued a press release to announce this on Tuesday.

Fox News reported on this at the time . They focused on Pelosi’s “concern” about an “unhinged” President having access to the nuclear codes. It was a ridiculous story even then.

The same day, Gen. Milley’s spokesperson confirmed that they’d had a conversation, but, according to a story in U.S. NEWS , “in a carefully crafted statement distanced the Pentagon from any attempts by the House Speaker or any other congressional leaders to strip the President of his authorities.” Well, I would hope so!

Gen. Milley deserves credit for stressing the political neutrality of the military at a time when rumors of a “coup” were swirling. That was all just a hoax, though Pelosi used it as a pretext to call up thousands of National Guard troops and merrily festoon Capitol Hill with razor wire. All of that is still in place, by the way.

If Nancy Pelosi had any sense of shame, she would be mortified for having accused President Trump of “insurrection,” as there was no evidence whatsoever that he had anything to do with the January 6 breach of the Capitol Building. She herself is in large part responsible for that tragedy, as she failed to put the proper security in place.

Also, the FBI has just released security footage of the person who placed the two “fully functional” pipe bombs THE NIGHT BEFORE at the DNC and RNC headquarters, most likely, they say, as a “diversionary tactic.”

In other words, it was part of the PLANNED protest that was carried out during Trump’s rally. Trump “incited” nothing.

But never let a true narrative get in the way of a false one. If anyone is “dangerous” to the Republic, it’s someone like Nancy Pelosi, who would eagerly have used the 25th Amendment (or any other means she had) to take down the eminently lucid President of the United States over something he didn’t do.

So, did Pelosi actually talk this up with the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Perhaps Judicial Watch, through the courts, will be able to uncover a bit more of her spider’s web. Nothing they find out would surprise me; she has already demonstrated over and over what a treacherous person she is.
